About Us
In the text below you will find four things that might help you get to know us a little better. In the accompanying links there is more detailed information that will hopefully answer any questions these subjects might produce. If at any time you would like to have any of this information clarified, please feel free to contact me (Pastor Ritchey).
Who We Are
I’d like to give you a little information about us. Where we’ve come from, what we believe, how long we’ve been at Oak Grove, that kind of thing. I think you’ll find we’re ordinary people just like you who want to know Jesus and make His love known to others.
Why We Exist
We believe strongly that our church is here for a reason. Our Mission statement reflects the purpose for which God established the Church in the first place. It states why we believe God has placed Oak Grove Church in this community in this time period. We hope you’ll want to be a part of it.
What We Offer
It’s likely you’ll have interest in knowing what we offer you in terms of ministry. So, I’ll try to share necessary information regarding the programs we offer for each and every age group represented. It is truly our desire to meet the needs of every person and each generation and we have tried to structure our ministries and programs with that in mind.
Why It Matters
Why does any of this matter? Why do we spend our days preparing for worship, making these programs available, and opening our hearts and the doors of our church to this community? Why do we do it? Well, it isn’t because we have nothing else to do. Most of our lives are very busy already. And, we wouldn’t ask you to squeeze something else in if we didn’t think it was REALLY important. I share more about that under the why it matters link.